Mission: Works to purchase and protect threatened tropical forests, including the Amazon, and endangered wildlife.
Website: https://www.rainforesttrust.org
Mission: Protects the biodiversity and ecosystems of the Amazon through scientific research, sustainable livelihoods, and conservation efforts.
Website: https://www.amazonconservation.org
Mission: Protects the rainforest and advances the rights of indigenous peoples in the Amazon Basin through advocacy and partnerships.
Website: https://amazonwatch.org
Mission: Supports indigenous and local communities in their efforts to protect rainforests and uphold their rights.
Website: https://www.rainforestfoundation.org
Mission: Focuses on preventing deforestation, promoting sustainable resource use, and protecting wildlife in the Amazon.
Mission: Works with governments, local communities, and partners to protect the Amazon’s natural resources and promote sustainable practices.
Website: https://www.nature.org/en-us/about-us/where-we-work/latin-america/brazil/